AP x

AP x series provide a precise and efficient solution for applying release agents to float, flat, and automotive glass using a nozzle-based system. With a variable spray width of up to 6000 mm (APS & APT), the system allows targeted application of release agents with no overspray. Different release agents (APD) can be applied, and the integrated fluidization ensures even distribution.
The system is fully integrable into existing production lines, with direct nozzle control tailored to the shape of the glass sheets (APC). To improve adhesion, the powder is charged with a low electrostatic charge. Additionally, the system can be expanded with Grafotec equipment, such as charging bars and extraction systems.


The APS is a Powder Sprayer for float and flat glass. The AP SINGLE is a nozzle system for the application of powdered separator agents as well as for ECO release agents and perfectly suited to standard conditions of the float and flat glass technology. With its standard settings, the AP SINGLE with its special nozzle system offers basic protection for float and flat glass. and is easily integrated into current production lines – not least due to its space-saving design.

variable spray width
up to 3.300 mm

powder reservoir
15 liters

area of use

  • tempering lines
  • coater
  • mirror lines
  • solar glass
  • laminated glass
  • insulating glass
  • float lines
  • auto glass (storage and bending windshield)


The APT is a Powder Sprayer for float and flat glass. The AP TWIN is a nozzle system for the application of powdered separator agents as well as for ECO release agents and perfectly suited to standard conditions of the float and flat glass technology. With a double batcher the AP TWIN powder sprayer permits a clever adaption to production widths and gaps agents during the production process due to two separate 15 liters powder reservoirs.

variable spray width
up to 6.000 mm

powder reservoir
2 x 15 liters

area of use

  • float lines
  • float lines
  • tempering lines
  • coater
  • mirror lines
  • solar glass
  • laminated glass
  • insulating glass


The AP DUO is an enhancement of the proven and tested Grafotec nozzle system. With a double batcher the AP DUO powder sprayer the application of two different separating agents during the production process due to two separate 15 liters powder reservoirs.

variable spray width
up to 6.000 mm

powder reservoir
2 x 15 liters

area of use

  • float lines

application of two different separating agents via 2
nozzle-bars during production


The APC is a powder sprayer for a wide range of different glass contours. It doesn’t matter which arrangement the glass sheets come in or which geometry they correspond to. The APC is one of the latest developments of the proven Grafotec nozzle system. With Grafotec’s new APC release agent is only applied where it is necessary.

variable spray width
up to 3.600 mm

powder reservoir
2 x 15 liters

area of use

  • tempering lines
  • coater
  • insulating glass

direct nozzle control through glass detection using a special sensor to save powder:

  • detection of glass shape
  • targeted powdering of sheets during overlapping production